On The Sofa with British Mums

On the Sofa with British Mums Episode 16 May 2024

British Mums Season 1 Episode 16

On The Sofa with British Mums - Episode 16 with newly published author Helen Farmer  

In this week’s podcast, we are joined by Helen Farmer, British mum, journalist, presenter, radio host and now, author – a woman of many talents. Helen joins Emma and Hannah from the British Mums team to talk about her new book ‘My Mummy’s Secret Adventures’ which is out now!

We chat about Helen’s inspiration behind the book, her gorgeous girls and their endless and slightly obscure questions. We talk about parenting in a modern world and navigating the different ages, mum guilt and tips and tricks we all do to ensure we’re present and available for them.

Helen shares her thoughts, feelings and vulnerability about putting her words on paper for the world and how her audience - children, are the most honest and open critics. And we even get a little sneak peek on what’s coming next!

We hope you love this podcast as much as we do. Please share your thoughts with us at podcast@britishmums.com.

Listen here:

My Mummy’s Secret Adventures is available to buy now in Book Worm and online on www.amazon.ae. 

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